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5 Steps to Creating an Impressive Website User Experience

A website is only as good as the experience it delivers.

When you optimize your site for conversions, you’re optimizing for something that’s measurable and actionable. Optimizing your site for conversions means setting up systems where visitors take actions that benefit you,

Failing to create a great user experience almost 90 % of potential customers will shop with your competition. (Web FX) If you want your website to drive revenue, you need to make sure that your customers are having an awesome experience when they visit it.

Evaluate your audience.

The first step in improving your website is to understand who it's for and how they use it.

There are many ways to evaluate your website's audience and determine what you need to do to better serve them. Here are just a few:

Look at your website analytics What pages are getting the most traffic? Where does this traffic come from? How long do people stay on your site? This can help shed light on who is visiting and what they want from you.

Ask customers what they think about your product or service. If you have an email list, send out a survey asking people what they like about your company and what would make them happier. You can also ask people directly if there are any barriers that keep them from buying from you.

Ask friends or family members how they think your website could be improved. People close to us tend to see things differently than we do because they don't have as much stake in our success as we do ourselves which makes them great resources for feedback.

Identify and remove barriers.

If you're not sure where to start looking for areas for improvement on your website, look for pages that have high bounce rates. This refers to the percentage of visitors who leave after visiting only one page. This can indicate that users are struggling with something that's blocking them from completing their task on the site.

Here are some common barriers that can inhibit a visitor's ability to find what they need on your site:

Lack of clear brand identity. Visitors don't know where to go when they arrive or what they should expect once there.

Poorly organized information architecture. Visitors can't easily navigate the content because it doesn't follow a logical structure or flow.

Too much copy and clutter on pages, which makes them difficult to scan quickly for relevant information.

A confusing layout that doesn't match expectations from other sites in your industry (for example, if you've got a lot of scrolling required for site navigation).

Ensure quick, easy navigation and checkout.

Ensuring that your website is easy to navigate, and that checkout is quick and easy for your customers, can be the difference between a customer abandoning their shopping cart and a sale.

If your site is difficult to use, people will leave before they buy. If it's too hard to find what they're looking for, they'll give up and go somewhere else. That's why it's important to make sure your website is easy to use  especially if you're selling products online.

It's important to ensure your customers can quickly and easily find what they're looking for on your website. That means having a search function that works, as well as clearly labeled navigation that makes sense to users.

Also make sure that your website has no unnecessary steps in the checkout process especially if you're selling physical items. For example, if you have a "buy" button but it takes customers to a different page where they have to enter their payment information, that's not very convenient.

Simplify your website design.

If your website is too cluttered and complicated, it can be difficult for users to navigate. Make sure your site is simple and easy to use.

Simplify your website design. You don't need a lot of bells and whistles on your site; in fact, they can be distracting. Instead, focus on getting the most important information across as quickly as possible.

Use clear language that's easy to understand. If you're writing a blog post or article, make sure it's written in plain English, not technical jargon that only a few people understand.

Keep things organized by using categories and subcategories so visitors can easily find content they're searching for.

Optimize for all devices.

Optimizing your website for all devices is a must. You can do this by using responsive design, which means that your website will automatically adjust its layout to fit different screen sizes. According to Google, sites with a mobile-friendly design can outrank non-mobile-friendly sites on mobile search results pages.

Here are some of the ways you can optimize your site for mobile:

Use responsive design and make sure the content fits on all screen sizes.

Use CSS media queries to control the layout of your page based on the width of the browser window or device. For example, if you want to display a sidebar on desktop browsers but not on smartphones, you could use a CSS media query to hide it.

Make sure all images load quickly so they don't slow down page loads. If you need to use larger images as part of your design, try using services like ImageEngine or SmushIt!

Creating a great user experience can improve your business's bottom line.

If you want to create a great user experience, you need to make sure that your website is fast, reliable, easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing, and full of relevant content. The better you are at delivering on these five fronts, the greater your chances for success. There's a lot of information to take in here, but the most important takeaway should be this: user experience matters. If you want your users to stick around, and even encourage others to do so, you need to create a quality user experience.

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