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Enhancing Your Well-being in Your Golden Years


Maintaining a social life in retirement can help keep stress and loneliness at bay. Fortunately, many 55+ communities offer upscale amenities that can facilitate making new friends.

Retirement communities like Westminster Baldwin Park can eliminate the boredom that often sets in when home maintenance becomes overwhelming. This can also free up time for hobbies and goals like traveling.

Sense of Community

Loneliness is a real problem for older adults, and it affects their health just as much as smoking or obesity. Research has shown that social isolation can reduce life expectancy, and a sense of community is one way to combat it.

A retirement community provides the ideal setting for residents to build a strong sense of community. They are surrounded by neighbors in the same stage of life, and many share similar interests. Group activities, such as group outings to local attractions, in-house hobby clubs, and fitness classes, can lead to several new friendships.

In addition, communities with open communication encourage residents to voice their concerns through regular community meetings or suggestion boxes. These practices create a spirit of respected authority, which leads to trust—the basis of a sense of community.

Peace of Mind

If you have been worried about health issues, financial security, or the potential for falls – among other concerns that can come with age — moving to a retirement community can ease your stress. Continuing care retirement communities (or "life plan" communities) offer the peace of mind that comes with knowing your future needs will be met within the same community, even if you require additional care.

Finding peace of mind isn't about burying your head in the sand about difficulties. Instead, it's about braving the rapids for stiller waters. That's what many retirees discover after they make the move to a retirement community. They are happier and healthier and experience more meaning in life than otherwise.

Sense of Independence

Keeping up with daily chores like laundry, grocery shopping, and mowing the lawn can become more complex over time. At retirement communities, these tasks are taken care of for you. Instead, you can enjoy exploring new hobbies and experiences in a safe environment.

Older adults who experience a loss of independence may develop feelings of low self-worth, depression, or anxiety. This is why retaining a sense of autonomy is essential for seniors.

Many older adults find that retirement community living helps them regain a strong sense of independence. They'll have access to wellness experiences regularly, and most retirement communities offer transportation services to visit local destinations, family, and friends according to their preferences. Creating goals that help them measure their progress can also give them more confidence in a retirement community.

Access to Health Care

Retirement community living provides access to various health services and amenities that promote good health, including fitness centers and walking trails. Some, like Three Pillars, even offer social clubs that unite residents to build a thriving and active lifestyle.

Research from various sources has shown that people who move to Life Plan Communities (also known as Continuing Care Retirement Communities) experience better health and happiness than those who stay in their homes. This is partly because those who live in retirement communities have the peace of mind that they can access additional care should their health needs change without having to relocate.

This is also why Life Plan Communities often include various housing options, from independent living to assisted living and skilled nursing.

No Home Maintenance

Retirement community living eliminates many daily chores that can become burdensome with age. No more mowing the lawn in the hot summer sun or fighting the cold to shovel and remove snow (and risk injury).

With all these benefits, retirement community living can be less expensive than staying at home. Monthly fees usually cover many services and amenities.

Socializing and engaging in activities in a supportive environment can also boost happiness and increase the production of feel-good hormones, improving health and well-being. Many retirement communities feature fitness programs, wellness classes, and access to healthcare professionals. This provides residents with easy access to healthcare in a safe setting so they can focus on their well-being and discover new interests.

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