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The Advantages Of Keyhole Heart Surgery

Keyhole heart surgery is an excellent option for people who want to avoid the risks associated with valve replacement. It's a minimally invasive procedure that uses keyhole incisions, making it easier to perform than traditional open-heart surgery. If you're interested in having keyhole heart surgery, here are five reasons why it may be worth considering: 

  1. Small Incision 

The small incision is one of the most important benefits of keyhole heart surgery. The scarring that occurs after a traditional open-heart surgery can be extensive, and it may take months or even years for your body to fully heal from the incision. The smaller cut in keyhole procedures means that less tissue is damaged, so you should recover faster than with open-heart surgery. You'll also have less pain and less scarring, as well as better visibility of your chest cavity during recovery from this type of procedure. 

  1. There Will Be No Cutting Off The Breast Bone. 

You may be wondering why you don't need to cut your breastbone. The answer is that this surgery requires no cutting of the breast bone. It's possible to have keyhole surgery without even knowing it! Between the two right heart chambers is where the tricuspid valve is located. You will feel less pain and see less scarring because there will be no jagged edges on your chest afterwards. 

  1. Fewer Cosmetic Issues 

In addition to the less invasive nature of keyhole heart surgery, it also has fewer cosmetic problems. There are no visible scars on the chest or back, and you won't see any scars on your shoulders or arms. 

Many patients have reported that they can now swim without fear of getting water up their noses following keyhole heart surgery! 

  1. Fast Recovery 

If you've had a keyhole procedure, you may be able to return home after your surgery and resume your normal activities within a few days. Many patients can return to work within two weeks of their procedure—even if they're still recovering from anaesthesia at that point! 

  1. Minimal Pain

Keyhole surgery is a minimally invasive option for valve repair and replacement. In contrast to traditional techniques, keyhole procedures are performed through small incisions that are less than 1 inch in length. This can reduce the pain and swelling caused by traditional surgery, which can last up to six weeks after your operation. 


As we’ve discussed, keyhole heart surgery is an excellent option for people who want to avoid the risks associated with valve replacement. It can be a long-lasting solution for many patients, and it allows them to go home sooner than they might otherwise be able to. While this type of surgery does have some downsides—such as scarring or pain—you should take all of its benefits into account when thinking about whether or not this procedure would benefit your health in any way!

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